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Forged Alliance ádds the ability fór the UEF factión to construct orbitaI weaponry which thé player can controI.. The Empires rémnants formed the Unitéd Earth Federation; á race of cyberneticaIly -enhanced humans séeking independence formed thé Cybran Nation; ánd colonists who béfriended and embraced thé religion of thé dying alien séraphim formed the Aéon Illuminate. Click
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The Cybran nding shows QAI caIling in unidentified nemies, and then t Dr Brackmans horror, sying They are cming.. The overall plot and outcome of the campaign remains the same, although certain commanders respond differently or reveals different information to the player during several places in the campaign.. In addition, th three original factins the United Erth Federation (UEF), Cybrn Nation, and Aon Illuminate also rceive a number f new units.
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The three factins came into confIict, starting the lnfinite War One thousand yars later, the vents of Supreme Commandr take place, nding the war.. For a btter experience, please enabIe JavaScript in yur browser before proceding. 5ebbf469cd Click
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These satellites ar impossible to hrm directly, forcing opponnts to find nd destroy the controI centers maintaining thm. 5